Over 90% of CMS Previews on Gatsby Cloud are now powered by Incremental Preview:
- Incremental Preview is over 50% more reliable than Legacy Preview
- Scales to multiple simultaneous users
- Provides Preview build history
- Supports Content Sync for a smoother Open Preview experience.
On July 11, 2022, Legacy Preview will be no longer available on Gatsby Cloud. Upgrade before then to maintain Preview functionality for your content editors. Legacy Previews will go offline on this date.
How can I tell if I'm using Incremental Preview?
You'll see the [CLOUD] badge on builds that are using Incremental Preview:
How do I upgrade to Incremental Preview?
- Upgrade to the latest version of Gatsby 4 (or Gatsby 3)
- Upgrade source plugins to their latest version
Sanity customers: you may need to change your source plugin options. Please review our Sanity guide for upgrading to Incremental Preview.
Why is Legacy Preview going away?
Legacy Preview was based on running gatsby develop
from Gatsby Cloud. This approach while stable for single content editors did not scale well to multiple simulatenous editors or work well with CMSs that trigger many data updates when content editors make changes.
Incremental Preview is based on Incremental Builds and has proven very stable and can scale to multiple simultaneous editors. Now with Incremental Deploys, Incremental Preview is now as fast as (or faster) than Legacy Preview!
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