Gatsby Cloud currently does not support setting metadata (e.g. client-side cache control headers) or writing redirects when uploading files to your bucket. The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate a workaround that uses gatsby-plugin-s3
to deploy your Gatsby Cloud site. This guide assumes you:
- are familiar with
- understand how the plugin deploys your site
- know how to deploy a Gatsby site using the plugin outside of Gatsby Cloud
Deploying with gatsby-plugin-s3
The general approach for this workaround is to build your site with Gatsby Cloud, but allow gatsby-plugin-s3
to handle deployment. The trade-off is that:
- Gatsby Cloud will not be able to remove unpublished or deleted content from your bucket
- This approach may not work well with incremental builds enabled
First, be sure to add your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
as environment variables, see Managing Environment Variables.
Then, define a script for your deploy command, e.g.:
"scripts": {
"deploy": "gatsby-plugin-s3 deploy --yes"
Finally, use an onPostBuild
script to run your deploy command.
const util = require("util");
const child_process = require("child_process");
const exec = util.promisify(child_process.exec);
exports.onPostBuild = async (gatsbyNodeHelpers) => {
const { reporter } = gatsbyNodeHelpers;
const reportOut = (report) => {
const { stderr, stdout } = report;
if (stderr) reporter.error(stderr);
if (stdout);
};"Deploying build w/ gatsby-plugin-s3");
reportOut(await exec("npm run deploy"));
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