Occasionally, you may run into a situation where you need to cancel a build. This article discusses which builds can be cancelled and when as well as the impact a cancellation has on subsequent builds.
Which Builds Can I Cancel?
The following builds can be cancelled:
- Pull Request Builds
- CMS Preview Builds
- Production Builds (including Cloud Builds)
Builds can only be cancelled in the following states:
- Queued
- Building
Once the Uploading step starts, the build can no longer be cancelled.
How Do I Cancel a Build?
The steps to cancel a build differ depending on the build type.
Production and Pull Request Builds
From the Builds tab for your site, click on the History link on the build card for the branch that your site is building from.
Go to the Detail view for the build you want to cancel by clicking the title link.
Then click the Cancel Build button.
CMS Previews
From the CMS Preview tab, click on the View Details link for the build you wish to cancel.
Then click the Cancel Build button.
What Happens When I Cancel a Build?
When you cancel a build, the process is is killed immediately and the current state of the site is as if the cancelled build never occurred. However, when Cloud Builds are enabled, the data cache may become out of sync with the data source depending on when the build was cancelled. Any cache related errors may be resolved by triggering a manual, cache-cleared rebuild. See How do I clear a build cache?
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