Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- How can I build my site with the —prefix-paths option?
- How do I restart a preview?
- Why do I see the message “You do not have permission to create this site”, even if I am an admin on the repository?
- Do content creators need Gatsby Cloud accounts to use Preview?
- I received a PR on my repo from Gatsby Cloud
- I get an error when trying to create a site from my Github repository
- Can I turn off Builds?
- How do I delete a site?
- Do I have to have a Gatsby Cloud account to see a Preview?
- What hosting providers are supported?
- Can I change what repository my site points to?
- How Do I Deal With "Stuck Status" Warnings?
- Why Do Some Builds Get Cancelled?
- Can I turn off Preview?
- I'm receiving an error from Fastly, so how do I resolve that?
- What are Bandwidth and Function Invocations?
- Does Gatsby Cloud work with Yarn 2?
- Drupal Fastbuilds with Gatsby Cloud
- Gatsby Support
- Why Did Dependency Installation Fail?
- How do I transfer a site to a different workspace?
- Gatsby Cloud Pricing
- I'm getting this error "Something went wrong GraphQL error: Internal server error"
- Where Can I Find Preview URLs for PR Builds?
- What are the Differences Between the and Domains?
- Why can't I connect to Sanity using Quick Connect?
- Error: Target location is not a valid Gatsby site
- ERROR uploading build results Error: Failed to upload file
- Lighthouse report not generating
- Do embedded videos take Bandwidth Allocations?